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“the Guardians of the Covenant” by Tom Egeland

guardians of the covenant

Rate and Review: 2/5

Anyone who’s following my reviews should already know by now: I do try to only point out the positive things in books. I do talk about the negative, but I mostly underline what it is that I have liked in a novel.
Unfortunately, there’s not much I can say for the Guardians of the Covenant (as was the title of this book in the translation that I read).
Granted, by reading a translation, you can never be certain about what the original might had been. Bear that in mind, but, you will likely read a translation as well; Norway only has that many readers.
Apparently, according to Wikipedia (, Tom Egeland, the writer of this book, is pretty big in his motherland. Also, he apparently has a legacy to carry on, being a great-grandchild of one of the pioneer authors of popular literature in Norway.
In any case, this book is tiring. It might be the translation, but it exhausted me. Before I had reached the halfway mark, I wanted to just drop it and forget about it.
To this day, I do not remember if I ever read the final few pages. If I did, I do not remember how the book ends; that alone, says a lot.
Inconsistent writing, inconsistent pace, characters I wouldn’t/couldn’t care for… The list goes one.
However, as, again, people keep comparing Tom Egeland to Dan Brown, although this book came in after Brown’s success, Egeland’s writing antedates Brown’s.
That is the reason I didn’t give it a 1-star rating. Other than that, I could have saved me the time.

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