In the Sea of Tears, bravery sails,
a little boat of courageous loneliness,
where the Winds of Memories, blow Waves of Sorrow,
shattering the peace of its soul.
With no clear vision and withered inner strength,
with heart and mind colliding,
the little boat of loneliness reflects upon,
and cries for the ports it abandoned.
With no orientation and a perplexed compass
it longs for its next destination,
for the Winds of Memories shall blow no more
in the lap of the new loved harbour.
And, once again, when it sails away,
the Winds of Memories come,
even stronger now and powerful yet,
it fights as it may to not succumb
But, in the Sea of Tears the Winds of Memories,
blow waves of sorrow grand,
and the wreckage of the boat is never remembered
by the ports it had visited once.
you should have never left that little boat leave…
Sad times…
Thanks for reading Shelly =)
You have such an amazing way with words
ah, thank you so much Dawn. You’re always so kind with your comments. I appreciate it.
loved it
I’m glad you did. It’s a long way back, but, because of the person it was meant for, the little boat will forever have a special place in my heart.